AVIC International Holding Corporation (AVIC INTL) was born from its predecessor, China National Aero-Technology Import & Export Corporation (CATIC) in1979. CATIC was restructured and renamed AVIC INTERNATIONAL in 2008. AVIC INTL has set up wholly-owned or holding subsidiaries in 12 major cities across China, has established over 130 branches in more than 50 countries and regions, and owns eight listed companies.
As an important member of China’s aviation industry, AVIC INTL serves as a comprehensive platform for the aviation industry to develop overseas markets, set up related businesses and expand international investment. AVIC INTL specializes in six major business sectors, including international aviation, trade & logistics, retail & high-end consumer goods, real estate & hotel management, electronic high technology and development of resources.
AVIC INTL Turkey liaison office was established in 2007. With the assistance from the sophisticated team of AVIC INTL subsidiaries in project planning, international financing and management. We have extended our business into aviation cooperation, energy power generation, cement production, shipbuilding and other industries. Meanwhile, we have been dedicated to facilitating local business development of AVIC-INTL subsidiaries in areas such as: real estate investment, watch retailing, renewable energy & green energy-saving technology and so on.
The major performances of AVIC INTL in Turkey are listed below categorized by industry:
1)航空制造 International Aviation
AVIC INTL builds on the platform of AVIC and integrates sales of civil aircraft, sub-contracting production, general aviation and sub-contracting production, which makes AVIC INTL a diversified aviation company with global competency.
2)电力能源 Power Energy
中航国际与中电投电力工程公司联合体总包承建的ALTAS 2*600MW超临界燃煤电站于2014年底实现两台机组并网发电。项目是两个单位精诚合作的典范;在融资方面,项目是中国出口信用保险公司在土耳其第一例对私营业主承包、中国银行提供贷款的商业买方信贷项目。
ATLAS 2*660MW super critical coal-fired power plant, constructed by the consortium of AVIC INTL and CPI Power Engineering, has come into commercial operation by the end of 2014. This project sets up the example of two companies working together collaboratively and deliberately. As for the financing of Atlas project, it is the first for a Turkish private owner to use the buyer’s credit from Bank of China insured by the SINOSURE.
As one of the earliest Chinese companies that enters Turkish energy sector, after ten years exploring and learning, AVIC INTL starts stepping into energy investment. In 2013, AVIC INTL Project Engineering Company, Shanghai Electric Power CO., LTD. and one Turkish company formed a joint venture and established EMBA Elektrik Uretim A.S., which is an IPP who will invest in two 2X600MW ultra-supercritical coal-fired power plants. Until now, this project is the largest Chinese direct investment in Turkey, targeting introducing to Turkey advanced technologies and experiences of Chinese power industry under the concept of “whole life-cycle of the power plant” to export capital, management, technology, production simultaneously.
3) 水泥制造 Cement Production
AVIC INTL Beijing Company Limited is the leading comprehensive company in cement production and WHR cogeneration industry, who has taken over some world-famous enterprise in building material sector, like German Humboldt Wedag (KHD) . With the integrated resources, Beijing Company is now operating two projects in Turkey, one is ADANA cement factory and another is GOLTAS cement factory WHR cogeneration, which proves the competitiveness of combining advanced design with cost-efficient Chinese manufacturing.
4) 船舶海工 Shipbuilding & Maritime
AVIC INTERNATIONAL SHIP DEVELOPMENT (CHINA) LTD. (AVIC SHIP) has a specialized company for vessel and maritime sector’s design, manufacturing, trading, financing, leasing, who is incorporated two domestic shipyards in China and acquires world top-level Finland DELTAMARIN Maritime Design Institution. With recent years’ business development in Turkey, AVIC ship has built two 38000DWT bulk carriers for Turkish ship owners in AVIC WEIHAI shipyard.
2015年是习总书记提出的“一带一路“战略落地实施的关键年,中航国际总部全面启动推动“企业战略转型”与部署“国际化拓展”计划。土耳其作为“一带一路”陆路与海路的交汇之处,战略地位十分重要。我们坚信随着中土两国政府经贸往来不断频繁,中航国际必定可以在土耳其这片开发的热土上发挥自己的先进技术优势﹑资源集成优势﹑制造速度优势﹑项目管理优势﹑资本运作优势以及品牌效应优势,顺势而为、扎实开拓,将中国的先进技术﹑装备﹑资金﹑管理综合打包输出, 为土耳其实现2023建国百年目标贡献自己的力量;同时,向土耳其人民树立优秀中国企业“走出去”形象,继续以项目承包与投资来带动地区经济发展﹑刺激当地就业和促进民众致富,树立一个有社会责任的中国跨国企业的榜样,践行中航国际“超越,领先,新国企”的战略精神。
2015 is a crucial year for President Xi’s “One Belt and One Road” to be implemented. AVIC INT L head-quarter has initiated “Company Strategy Transformation” and “Global Expansion” plan. Turkey has a strategically significant role to play as the combination point of the land road and sea road. With the booming trade and interactions between Turkish and Chinese government, AVIC INTL can fully utilize its advantages of advanced technology, resources, manufacturing, project management, capital and brand recognition to create an exporting package that complies with Turkish technical and economic status, contributing to the Turkey economy to reach the national 100th anniversary goal of 2023. Meanwhile, AVIC INTL will build up the image of Chinese companies who carries out “Going-out Strategy”, boosting regional economy, creating jobs and wealth for local residents. It is in its own value for AVIC INTL to be a social responsible Chinese transnational enterprise, practicing the company value of “Go Beyond Commerce for a Better World”.